Take a tour of this remarkable Game of Thrones wedding

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
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Jon and Ashley were married in front of this fireplace, flanked by their house sigils.

A maester did the honors. “We know septons perform marriages, but we wanted a secular ceremony with an easily identifiable figure of authority,” Ashley wrote on Imgur.

The marriage ceremony itself, by the way, was a traditional medieval handfasting, similar to what Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey did at their wedding, but with less murder afterwards.

On to the reception, where the magic really happens:

The father of the groom is serving authentic Tywin Lannister realness.

This member of the wedding party kind of has an Oberyn Martell thing going. I’m sure the toast is ribald.

The dance floor was hopping. According to Ashley, they used music from the show throughout the wedding. Their first dance was to “Needle,” they cut the cake to “Light of the Seven” and the final song of the night was “The Rains of Castamere.” Those are some moody choices for a celebration — I love it.

Congratulations, Jon and Ashley! Seven blessings.

And thanks for letting us use these photos! To see even more, head to Joe Crawford’s website, and maybe think about hiring him for your own event. Skulls covered in molten gold not included…I don’t think.

Next: Lena Headey: Game of Thrones season 8 is “bigger and better than ever”

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