And now Joe Dempsie (Gendry) is coming to Con of Thrones!

Just earlier today, we reported that James Cosmo (Lord Commander Jeor Mormont) is going to be in attendance at this year’s Con of Thrones, which lasts from May 25-27 at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas, Texas. Now, Mischief Management has revealed that the convention will also feature none other than Joe Dempsie, aka Gendry, everybody’s favorite blacksmith’s apprentice turned royal bastard turned would-be human sacrifice sacrifice turned rowing machine turned arctic sprinter. Hooray!

With the possible exception of Hannah Murray (Gilly), Dempsie is the highest profile guest announced yet, and the only other cast member to have filmed scenes for season 8. By his own admission, Dempsie is afraid that he might slip up sometime between now and the premiere and reveal secrets about the final six episodes, probably when he’s drunk. At the con, I expect a lot of people will offer to buy Dempsie drinks, which may have been his plan all along.

Anyway, other guests include Esme Bianco (Ros), Sam Coleman (Young Hodor), Kate Dickie (Lysa Arryn), Sibel Kekilli (Shae), Aimee Richardson (Myrcella Baratheon), Miltos Yerolemou (Syrio Forel), sound designer Paula Fairfield, and weapons master Tommy Dunne. You can find out more information about the con here, buy tickets here, and reserve photo and autograph opportunities here.

The lineup is getting better and better. Are you heading to this year’s Con of Thrones? Let us know!

Next: Child actress Bronte Carmichael joins the cast of Game of Thrones season 8

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