HBO has been building a stupidly ginormous King’s Landing set in a backlot at the Titanic Quarter in Belfast since at least October of last year, and while we haven’t seen cameras on the ground quite yet, it’s bound to happen any day now. The construction of the set is basically complete, and now, it looks like the production is prepping some monstrous props. To wit: Steve Bird of Instagram has posted a video of a giant crossbow on the premises. Check it out:
And here’s the video slowed down and stabilized:
The wall behind the giant crossbow — with the white, grey and yellow vertical stripes — is part of a very distinctive building in the Titanic Quarter; you can see it in the background of the photo below:
@TitanicBelfast where Harry&Meghan arrive soon. Across the dock is the Titanic studios where Game of Thrones are filmed
— Simon Perry (@SPerryPeoplemag) March 23, 2018
Anyway, the crossbow immediately brings to mind the scorpion Qyburn had made to take down Daenerys’ dragons last season, although the design looks a little different, particularly in the front:

Maybe the scorpion has undergone a redesign between seasons, maybe Qyburn made some adjustments after Drogon tore his last creation apart with an angry flick of his tail, or maybe this is just an extra giant crossbow he had lying around. By the looks of it, more than one of these weapons will be fixtures on the city walls:

Whatever it’s for, just don’t stand directly in front of it.
Thanks to the reader who brought us this info!
Next: Joe Dempsie teases a bigger role for Gendry in Game of Thrones season 8
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