We’ve learned quite a bit about Westworld’s newest park, named ShogunWorld, but a new fact leads us to believe it could be far more violent than the titular park.
Westworld Season 1 introduced fans to a world where anything was possible. The show was chocked-full of sex, violence and the ever-looming threat of an existential crisis. Heading into Season 2, it appears that everything we loved about the first season is going to be raised to the next level – especially the violence. Thanks to the website, Delos Destinations, we know that Shogunworld might be the bloodiest facet of Westworld Season 2.
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New Facts About Shogunworld Reveal The Park Caters To “The True Connoisseur Of Gore.”

-centric website, Delos Destinations, emerged in early February of this year. HBO didn’t formally announce they page; however, it was discovered via a binary code hidden in the
Season 2 Super Bowl trailer. The page revealed there were
including Westworld, as well as the name of Delos’ founder,
Delos Destinations remained untouched for over a month; however, it was recently updated. At first, the site only had a picture and description of Westworld, but now, Shogunworld has finally been included. Along with the name and picture of the park, Delos Destinations also included a synopsis that suggests the park is extremely violent:
"“For those for whom Westworld is not enough, the true connoisseur of gore can indulge their fantasies with the slash of a katana. Modeled after Japan’s Edo period, Shogun World offers a chance for guests to embrace their inner warrior, in a landscape of highest beauty and darkest horror. Let your true self take shape in the land where self-discovery is an art form.”"
We saw guests of Westworld shoot, stab and hang some of the hosts, but it stands to reason that a katana would do a lot more damage. We haven’t seen what that looks like yet, but we’re sure it’s not pretty. This synopsis also specified that the park draws influence from the Edo period, which we had previously assumed. One thing Is for sure: we can’t wait to see Shogunworld make its debut in Westworld Season 2.
Next: The Man In Black’s new mission revealed
We still have a few months until Westworld Season 2 drops. Until then, we will continue to speculate on anything and everything Westworld.
Westworld Season 2 will premiere on HBO Sunday, April 22, 2018 9PM/EST
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