It’s been an interesting, somewhat baffling week for Game of Thrones fans, as we watched lots and lots of disparate cast members gather in Seville, near the Dragonpit set at the ruins of Italica, Spain. It’s been difficult at times to discern who was actually there to film scenes for season 8 and who was there to visit, or because the producers were purposefully trying to throw us off, but Spanish-language fansite Los Siete Reinos is sure of one thing: as of yesterday morning, Game of Thrones filming at Italica has finished, at least for the main cast members.
That’s actually a little ahead of schedule; we’d heard that the ruins of Italica would be closed to visitors in their entirety until tomorrow, and figured that the big stars would stick around at least until then. But no. We still don’t know exactly who was involved in the Dragonpit scenes, but LSR believes that Kit Harington (Jon Snow) and Jacob Anderson (Grey Worm) were on set at the tail end of the shoot. And based on the below photo, which was posted yesterday, it looks like Grey Worm wasn’t the only Unsullied soldier on the scene:
[UPDATE: This image has been removed from Instagram, which pretty much proves that it gave something away]
The location is listed as “Amphitheater of Italica” and the caption reads “We can say: We have finished shooting the last season of…GAME OF THRONES!” So that’s pretty clear: expect Unsullied extras at the Dragonpit in season 8.
Then, yesterday, a few key Thrones stars were spotted at an airport in London, presumably on their way back from Spain. Below, we can make out Harington, Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) and Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth)…and also maybe John Bradley (Sam Tarly), in the baseball cap with his back to the camera. See anyone else?
When you land back in the UK to find yourself within complete nerd out distance of a HUGE number of #GameOfThrones cast! (Photo stolen from Gemma Bloyce)
Posted by Jamie Bloyce-Hykel on Wednesday, May 16, 2018
(Fun side note: Christie just posted a picture from Seville, possibly to make people think she’s still there, but the above photo tells a different story.)
So yes, Seville has been interesting indeed. And there may be more to come. Although the city was flooded with Game of Thrones heavyweights over the past week, there have been some notable exceptions, most glaringly Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen), who’s been busy lately jetting around the world to promote the upcoming premiere of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Although nothing’s confirmed, LSR suggests that Clarke could hop over to Italica today or tomorrow ( at the moment she’s in nearby Cannes, France) to film material. Just because she wasn’t at the Dragonpit with the other cast members doesn’t mean she can’t be part of the scene; you’d be shocked what they can do with cross-cutting and such. For example, there’s a brief moment in “Stormborn” where Yara Greyjoy and Tyene Sand exchange a few words. According to the Blu-ray commentary, actors Gemma Whelan and Rosabell Laurenti Sellers filmed their parts of this conversation at entirely different times; they were never on set together, but after the editors did their thing, no one could tell.

Anyway, now that filming in Seville has wrapped up (mostly, probably), our eyes are trained on the enormous King’s Landing set in Belfast. We know at least one actor who’s back on the clock:
It’s seen action already, but we expect quite a bit more before all is said and done.
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