With filming on Game of Thrones season 8 inches away from the finish line, its stars have have begun to tease the endgame, including Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark). After promising a “bloodier” season 8, Turner spoke exclusively to Digital Spy about what to expect. “[I]t really is so unpredictable the way that [the series] ends up,” she said.
"For me – without giving anything away, I guess – I was satisfied with how unpredictable the show’s ending really is. People have come up with so many fan theories about how it’s going to end, and who will end up where, and who will end up with who. It really is so unpredictable the way that it ends up. I’m very satisfied with that, and I think that the fans will be satisfied with that, too. Well, we hope. We’ll see!"
I dunno…there are a lot of fan theories out there; I’m be shocked if no one predicted the ending, but if the show surprise everyone to the last, then good on it. We only to have to wait until 2019 to see how it plays out.
Turner also talked about how Game of Thrones has strayed from George R.R. Martin’s novels in recent seasons, saying that George R.R. Martin gave showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss “his blessing” after the show moved beyond what’s happened so far in the Song of Ice and Fire books. “[A] they continued [the show] in the vein that they thought it would go.”
"From reading the books thus far, it was their interpretation of where they thought the show would go. They’re still doing justice to the story, and serving the characters in the way they feel like they should be."
In the past, Benioff and Weiss have said that while there will be differences, the show will end up in basically the same place as the books. Martin told them the ending he had in mind years ago, and they’re working toward it, but because Martin discovers things as he writes, not everything was yet in place, hence the diversions.

But back to season 8: Turner shocked everyone by revealing that the final season will have action sequences. “[T]hey definitely upped the ante [in the final episodes]. They’ve got nice, big battle scenes, that’s for sure.” You don’t say.
Finally, Turner reiterated that the Game of Thrones tattoo she got recently is not a spoiler for the final episodes, because that would be silly. “That would be terrible, if I got the ending tattooed on my body, just before the last season came out. That would be so stupid.” Agreed.
Next: Chinese multinational Tencent to publish new Game of Thrones mobile game
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