We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you an important announcement: famous chef and author of King’s Landing Times bestseller I Kicked Him All To Pieces: How I Survived Being An Orphan In Flea Bottom — Hot Pie — is on the run tonight, his successful chain of inns and restaurants have come under scrutiny after a patron at the Inn of the Crossroads found a human finger in their meat pie. Here’s the latest:
"A scandal, larger than the discovery of what Pod did to those whores, strikes Westeros! [GIF]"
Witnesses say Hot Pie was last seen fleeing the Riverlands with a young woman, while others say they saw him in the company of an old man resembling Walder Frey, Lord of the Twins. It’s as if, some eyewitnesses say, his companion can change their face. Nevertheless, what we can say for certain is that any and all food items sold at Hot Pie’s Hot Pies restaurants are to be avoided at all costs…unless you’re a Thenn, in which case, please make a reservation at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for Redditor DothrakiWhored for bringing this story to our attention.
And there are other funny things happening on the internet, too. For example, YouTuber steve, who’s been watching Game of Thrones episodes completely out of order despite never seeing the show before, has recorded his reactions to season 6’s “Oathbreaker”:
I must admit I’ve never thought about how Jon Snow’s penis compares to that of the horse in the Castle Black courtyard, so thank you for that, steve.
Finally, someone at the United States State Department is a big Game of Thrones fan. Just look at the sample DS-160 forms, the forms visitors to the U.S. fill out to apply for nonimmigrant visas, and note the “Name Provided” field:

And lest you think the name “John Snow” is a coincidence, check out the name of his spouse:

Yes, “Deanerys” is misspelled, but at least her first name isn’t written as “Khaleesi.”
Meanwhile, Arya and Sansa are applying for student visas:

We’re all for Game of Thrones creeping into American bureaucracy.
Next: Season 8 filming: King’s Landing smokes its last?
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h/t CNET