Maisie Williams says goodbye to Game of Thrones as filming ends forever

Game of Thrones season 8 is finally, officially over, according to sources near the set and confirmed by fansite Watchers on the Wall. We’ve seen stars like Emilia Clarke’s (Daenerys Targaryen) big goodbye over the past few weeks. Now, Maisie Williams (Arya Stark), who we’ve heard would be among the last cast member on set (and possibly the last), has added her voice to that chorus, posting this somewhat grim photo to her Instagram:

“Goodbye Belfast. Goodbye Arya. Goodbye Game of Thrones. What a joy I’ve had. Here’s to the adventures to come. #lastwomanstanding #barely.” For the record, we only cried for a few minutes after reading this.

Williams had previously contemplated the end of Game of Thrones, but now it’s official. Williams isn’t the only one who’s had trouble saying goodbye, as the production has held not one but two wrap parties. All that’s left now is to look out for Kit Harington shorn of his feathery locks.

As for the image itself, it makes a statement. What do Williams’ bloody sneakers (Nike Air Force 1’s) imply? Is Arya’s final scene a violent one? We probably shouldn’t read too much into it; those obviously aren’t the period-appropriate shoes and pants she’ll wear on the show itself, but it’s an intriguing note to go out on.

The hashtag “lastwomanstanding” is interesting, too. Is it just that Williams was the last cast member to film her scenes, or is she hinting something about Arya? Lena Headey (Cersei) and Faye Marsay (the Waif) added to the mystery when they commented on the post:

Arya for the Iron Throne! Or Headey and Marsay are just congratulating their colleague on a job well done. This is the last time we’ll ever get to speculate like this; let us have it.

Next: Sophie Turner praises Game of Thrones’ “unpredictable” ending

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