Westworld: John Lee explains why to watch it in a letter to a friend

Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations
Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations /

You’re a Westworld fan presumably or you wouldn’t be reading this right now. But how often have you spoken about the show to friends or acquaintances and they say they just don’t understand it or don’t think it’s much fun. And a part of you silently or not so silently becomes frustrated.

You attempt to explain why Westworld is worth a second try. You may even bargain with them. Trade watching a show they love for them watching the show you love. The following is a letter from super fan John Lee written to his friend in an attempt to get him to come over to the Westworld side. We have drones too. And cookies.

“Ahh, Westworld” By Johnlee

So, some s*** is good but not great and some s*** simply does not fly. I’m afraid your earlier dismissal of the HBO remake of “Westworld” fits the latter. We talked about the original film–from the 70’s – and why it was so memorable, so you know I am not trying to say the new version is superior – it’s just different. It is longer and louder and more emotional, but those factors don’t necessarily make it better. Except, they kind of do, this time.

Westworld Season 1, Episode 1
Westworld Season 1, Episode 1 /

Point one: WTF moment

When the gunslinger’s acid-burned robot face comes off, revealing the machinery within. That moment is not directly echoed here (might be in Season 2, don’t know yet) but consider the Will Smith version of I Am Legend against the Charlton Heston version against the Vincent Price version against the book.

Maybe each is a sign of their ‘times’ but some points stand up over time and some do not: Citizen Kane is eternal but Charlton Heston hunting albinos is not. The Most Dangerous Game by Ernest Hemingway – as an idea – has been used over and over (people paying money to hunt people) but it stays alive.

Point two: The proverbial pony

Yes. It is true, Michael Crichton also wrote Jurassic Park which is also about a futuristic theme park where things go very wrong (the book is better) but Westworld was more accessible, as an idea. But that should not make the new series any less appetizing and does not – and surely we both know I take my sci-fi seriously. And I am taking the time to type all this s*** out…

Credit: HBO /

Point three: The music

Not a cheap shot; I know how you feel about (what I refer to as) the Post-Radiohead-Era of Radiohead. The card that secured the new Westworld a deluxe, high-rise suite in my permanent long-term memory are four songs from the Radiohead-Prime era: “Fake Plastic Trees”, “No Surprises”, “Motion Picture Soundtrack” and “Exit Music for a Film.”

The songs parallel the general ‘lives’ of all the robots (referred to as ‘hosts’) who are the protagonists in this version of the story – people paying money to ‘seemingly’ kill other people. The machines cannot leave Westworld (or the other parks owned by Delos; the finale confirmed there are multiple parks but now how many) and their imprisonment in broad daylight aligns perfectly with the characters arcs of the main characters.

Next: Westworld: 4 Emmy-worthy Thandie Newton scenes

As the hosts begin gaining consciousness and awareness of their reality, the renditions of these songs serve as outstanding and heartbreaking anthems for the horrifying realization of what their ‘lives’ are.

I also imagine there would be a virulent terror: discovering everything they know is wrong, they are trapped in a cage and they don’t know what’s outside. There’s more, of course, but seriously, there’s no reason for you to keep living a life lacking this show. WORD.

Westworld Season 1, Episode 2
Credit: HBO /

What do you think? Would you take the time to write a letter or email to convince a friend, relative or acquaintance to watch Westworld? Let us know by commenting below.

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Westworld returns with Season 3 in 2020 (or sooner – we hope)!