Next month in Berlin, a group of 40 artists will display their work at the Unseen Westeros exhibit. Running from January 23rd through the 27th, the exhibit will feature original pieces dedicated to the rarely-if-ever seen corners of Westeros, Essos and beyond. If for some reason you can’t make it to Germany for the occasion, we have good news: Unseen Westeros has launched a Kickstarter campaign to reproduce their art in book form. Here’s a taste of what you’d be contributing to:
Unseen Westeros is blessed by George R.R. Martin himself, and many of the artists have worked on the HBO series. Contributing to the Kickstarter will be the only way fans can get their hands on some amazing artwork, like this rendering of the Grey King of the Iron Islands:

Pledges without rewards start at 10 Euros (roughly 11 US dollars), but you want the rewards, right? Unseen Westeros has a wide variety to choose from. For 15 Euros (17 USD), you can get an art print of Valyria, the Bleeding Sea or the Shivering Sea. For 49 Euros (55 USD), the rewards start to include the book itself, which will clock in at 150 pages, hardcover.

If you really want to get crazy, for a scant 2,500 Euros (2,836 USD), six backers will receive an original “Harrenhal” exhibition piece signed by the artist, a private viewing of the exhibit for you and a friend, and of course, free shipping. They had me at “free shipping.”
And if you can attend the actual exhibit, every reward includes two line-skipping passes. Currently, people have pledged $62,547 to the Kickstarter, which is well ahead of the $28,374 goal, so at the very least, you’re guaranteed to get your reward if you contribute before the December 11 deadline. Unseen Westeros previously held a Kickstarter campaign for the exhibit itself, but that one fell short. It’s good to see the group rebound, because the work is tremendous.
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h/t Los Seite Reinos