Daredevil stars join fans in campaign to save the show

Marvel's Daredevil
Marvel's Daredevil /

Over 140,000 fans of Marvel’s Daredevil have signed a petition to save the show following Netflix’s decision to cancel it late last year. Petitioners hope that Disney will add the series to its growing list of live-action Marvel shows coming to Disney + — the company’s streaming service — later this year.


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Campaigns to save cancelled shows are pretty common these days (and have been known to work), but this one stands apart. It’s got its own domain name and a large social media following, with everyone tweeting under the hashtag #SaveDaredevil. And now the cast is involved, starting with Vincent D’onofrio, who plays Daredevil’s nemesis Wilson Fisk:

Amy Rutberg, who plays Foggy’s girlfriend Marci, also tweeted her support.

With Disney starting its own streaming service, Mickey likely wants to bring all of his wayward hens home to roost, which is part of the reason why the Marvel Netflix shows are going away despite Daredevil just wrapping on its strongest season yet. And if fans of canceled shows like Iron Fist and Luke Cage are campaigning to save their favorite heroes, they aren’t making as much noise as the #SaveDaredevil folks.


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Still, the stars of those shows feel the sting of cancellation as sharply as anyone. Speaking to Comicbook.com, Mike Colter, Luke Cage himself, said he felt something was amiss when it came time to push forward with season 3. “There were some things, some tell-tale signs, that were not quite feeling right for me,” he said. “Although we had an internal pick-up, amongst a certain amount of people who were close to the project, and we were moving forward with the writing and writing the group writers room, et cetera.”

"There was a lot of stalling. There was a lot of things that didn’t feel quite right. Then, deadlines. One deadline would come and it would go. Another deadline would come, it would go. There were some things that started to feel a little odd. So, when it happened, I was like, ‘Eh.’ It wasn’t that much of a shock. But yeah, still shock."

For the record, there is a #SaveLukeCage campaign out there, but it only has a little over 6,000 signatures.

There’s also a #SaveIronFist campaign with just over 32,000 signatures, it being the first show to go.

Will Disney make like a superhero and save Daredevil’s wayward fans? Only time will tell, but I wouldn’t get too excited until Disney+ has had at least a full year to get its bearings. But here’s hoping there’s room for Daredevil and company.

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h/t SyFy Wire