Avengers: Endgame is the most anticipated movie event of 2019. How could it not be? When we last checked in Marvel’s ever-expanding slate of heroes in Avengers: Infinity War, half of them evaporated into thin air following Thanos’ genocidal snap. Are they dead for good? How will the survivors cope? Can things ever go back to the way they were?
Well, yes, because we know Marvel is still going to be making movies after Endgame, which hits theaters on April 26. For example, Spider-Man: Far From Home is a follow-up to 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming, starring Tom Holland as the most likable Spider-Man in the characters’ onscreen history. The trailer came out today. Between the European vacation gimmick, the old-school Spider-Man theme song at the end, and Jake Gyllenhaal riding a cloud of green smoke as the villain Mysterio, it looks like a lighter, more breezy Marvel movie, perhaps as an antidote to the heaviness to come in Endgame. check it out:
The movie does look fun. The cast gels, the setting is a nice change of pace and Gyllenhaal looks rather silly. But I’m surprised how shamelessly Marvel is tipping its hand here. So all the dead heroes are coming back? We could have guessed that, but I’d like to at least pretend I’m surprised when the big moment comes in Endgame.
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Ah, well. I guess the Marvel movie machine must roll on, spoilers be damned. Spider-Man: Far From Home comes out July 5.
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