Ready the milk, Game of Thrones Oreos are coming


Thank the Seven, our prayers have been answered. Game of Thrones whisky, sneakers and bobbleheads are nice and all, but what we really wanted was a Game of Thrones-themed edition of milk’s favorite cookie, the Oreo. Now, thanks to HBO’s #ForTheThrone promotional campaign, it’s all happening:

Now THAT is a great teaser.

What exactly does a Game of Thrones-inspired Oreo look like? That teaser is light on the details, but we don’t expect them to be much different from regular Oreos, which is fine, because regular Oreos are a near-perfect snack. Instagram candy sleuth @CandyHunting brings us a shot of the packaging:

Hot Pie approves.

I fully agree with @CandyHunting in wanting to see Oreos used to build things like the Wall and Winterfell…and then I’d like to eat those buildings. It’s good to hear that the special edition packages won’t be hard to find; I’m gonna need a few of these for our watch parties.


Kansas City Royals Game Of Thrones White Walker Bobblehead
Kansas City Royals Game Of Thrones White Walker Bobblehead /

Kansas City Royals Game Of Thrones White Walker Bobblehead

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No official release date has been set, but you can bet the Oreos will be available before season 8 debuts on April 14.

Follow-up question: which is the weirder partnership, Game of Thrones and Oreos or Game of Thrones and Bud Light?

With Game of Thrones Oreos on the market, what will HBO come up with next? Game of Thrones laundry detergent for all those pesky blood stains? Oberyn Martell-inspired aspirin? Get at me HBO, I have a few ideas for you.

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