Avengers: Endgame is finally here! We only had to wait a year between Infinity War and this, but the last 365 days have been torturous to get through. But I’m happy to report that it was well worth the wait, and the hype surrounding the movie is not exaggerated.
First things first: this is a spoiler-free review, so I promise not to give away any major plot points. In my opinion, this is the type of movie you have to experience yourself, and knowing any of the big reveals ahead of time could undercut that. So don’t worry, I got you.
Endgame is a movie over a decade in the making. There have been 21 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with this as the climax. Now, I know you may be skeptical going into the movie, wondering whether it can really be that good and if directors Joe and Anthony Russo can wrap up this story in a satisfying way. Yes they can and yes they did! I had my doubts, too, but after the lights dimmed, so did they.
Endgame takes its time. At just over three hours in length, it would pretty much have to. We see how the surviving Avengers have been dealing with life in the aftermath of the Snap. Some may find the pace too slow in the beginning, but it’s necessary to set up what follows.
For day one Marvel fans, Endgame is filled with callbacks to movies past, with little moments throughout that will test the diehard’s ability not to cheer in their seats. This happens a lot, and if you’ve been following the MCU for a while, I promise you’ll be just as excited as I was.

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Having said that, the movie isn’t absolutely airtight, as no movie is. There will be those who will pick at this film. Are there plot holes? Yes. Do they matter? No, not really. After watching the movie, you will understand what I mean, but any inconsistencies are overshadowed by the impact of the filmmaking and the power of some of the character-driven moments.
The movie is an epic conclusion to the Infinity Saga, albeit not a perfect one. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll leave the theatre with a bittersweet feeling in your heart. This story may be over, but fans will be happy to know that the Russo brothers gave us everything we could have asked for before they left the building, and you won’t be disappointed.
Between the story, the characters, and some of the most badass visual effects I’ve ever seen, Endgame does its job and ends the story in the best way possible. If you’re wary, concerned, or skeptical, I don’t blame you, because it was a huge undertaking, but rest assured, you’ll know why I’m ranting and raving about Endgame after you see it yourself.
Did I mention that Endgame is the best cinematic experience ever? Well, I’m saying it again.
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