Winter has come and winter has gone. The Night King and his army and the dead are dust, and the great work Melisandre had been working toward for centuries is complete. What’s left for our heroes to do? Let’s see if we can get a clue from HBO’s new crop of photos from the as-yet-untitled “Episode 804.”
First things first: it’s time to honor the dead. A good number of the news images depict a mass funeral scene outside the walls of a battered Winterfell, something we also glimpsed in the episode trailer.

I see Tormund, Jon Snow, Sansa, Arya, Grey Worm, Daenerys and Sam all moving forward with torches in hand, to set fire to the bodies of the people lost in the Battle of Winterfell. It’s gonna be hard for Dany to light Jorah’s body, no? Other characters wait in the background.
The most interesting shots may be these next few. Team Targaryen watches the funeral pyre over here…

…Team Stark is over here…

…with Jon Snow in the middle:

What’s a Jon caught between two worlds to do? Jon told Daenerys about his true parentage at the end of “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,” but there wasn’t time to really address the implications it with the dead at the door. I’m betting we’ll come back to that now.

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In any case, as we saw in the trailer, Daenerys plans strategy flanked by two of her lieutenants.

She wants to go after Cersei Lannister, who we’ll see again after a two-episode absence.

She and Euron are looking cozier and cozier.
Drogon survived the battle, and he’s looking rearing to go for his next adventure.

Set sail for the south!

It’s a little strange to say with the Night King defeated, but we still have over half the season to go — each of the final three episodes will be supersized, not quite as long as “The Long Night” but far longer than the first two episodes of the season. What does the show have in store for the final stretch?
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