Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss breaks down the latest episode of Game of Thrones, “The Last of the Starks,” in the newest Inside the Episode featurette. Watch below!
Benioff and Weiss dig into the knotty questions at the heart of this episode. Did Jon do the right thing by telling Arya and Sansa the secret of his true parentage? Did Sansa do the right thing by telling Tyrion? Did Jaime do the right thing by leaving Brienne to go back to Cersei after he learns she’s probably going to die? (Well, no, that one’s easy.) Will Dany do the right thing if she chooses to torch the Red Keep after Cersei killed Rhaegal and Missandei?

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“The Last of the Starks” ends on a very dramatic note, as Euron’s fleet takes down Rhaegal, kidnaps Missandei, and Dany and co. head to King’s Landing to talk to the Queen on the Iron Throne. For a moment, it seems like Tyrion may be getting through to her, but come on, it’s Cersei.
"This is a moment for Cersei where she had a chance to maybe to flee and get away if she surrenders but that’s I think anyone who knows Cersei knows she’s not gonna make that choice."
Hell no, she’s not! They point out that Cersei knows that if she gives up the throne, she’s as good as dead, so she has to go all in. After all, “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.”
We have no idea what’s to come, but one thing’s for sure: Dany is pissed. And with Missandei’s last word being “Dracarys,” Benioff says Dany knows her confidante left the world telling her to “light them up”. And light them up they shall (we hope!).
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