Game of Thrones: 7 best (and 5 worst) Daenerys Targaryen episodes

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Best Daenerys Targaryen episode: “The Spoils of War”

The seventh season of Game of Thrones isn’t all bad, though. Earlier in the season, “The Spoils of War” is a monumental episode for Dany now that she’s made it to Westeros and is finally ready to reclaim the Iron Throne. After establishing her new base on Dragonstone, Daenerys strategizes with her advisors and decides to launch a surprise attack on the Lannister forces on their way back to King’s Landing.

This marks the first time Daenerys uses Drogon in a battle in Westeros, and the duo certainly makes an impression. Of course, having a dragon is a complete game-changer, and the look on Jaime Lannister’s face when he sees Dany fly out on one says it all. This is nothing Jaime, Bronn, or any of the Lannister army has ever seen before, and they don’t know how to respond. Although Drogon is wounded by Bronn, he’s able to recover.

Dany is not messing around when she comes to Westeros, and now her biggest enemies know it.

Best Daenerys Targaryen episode: “And Now His Watch Is Ended”

One of Daenerys’ best moves before traveling to Westeros comes in the season 3 episode “And Now His Watch Is Ended,” where she tricks and kills the slave trader Kraznys mo Nakloz in the city of Astapor. At this point in the show, Dany needs an army, and she negotiates with the slaver in order to gain the Unsullied. In a shock to her advisors, she agrees to give him one of her dragons in exchange for the men, but she has a plan up her sleeve she doesn’t tell anyone about.

Daenerys hands Drogon over to Kraznys, but the dragon’s loyalty does not lie with the slaver. And what Kraznys doesn’t know is that Dany is fluent in High Valyrian and has understood everything he’s been saying about her behind her back. In an incredible power move, she proclaims that “a dragon is not a slave” before saying “Dracarys,” her command to Drogon to spit flame at Kraznys, which he does. She also frees the Unsullied, but they all choose to remain as her army.

Daenerys has come so far since the start of Game of Thrones and this episode proves how clever of a leader she has turned into. She’s got her priorities straight and carefully strategizes in order to get what she wants. This is a defining moment that propels her forward as she continues her quest to reshape the world and get to the Iron Throne.

Worst Daenerys Targaryen episodes: “The Mountain and the Viper”

Though the most memorable moment from the season 4 episode “The Mountain and the Viper” is no doubt Oberyn Martell’s head being smashed by The Mountain during Tyrion Lannister’s trial by combat (I still can’t get that picture out of my head) it’s also a big episode for Daenerys. And unfortunately, not in a good way.

Oberyn’s death, understandably, overshadows all the other plot points in the episode, but when we’re talking about Daenerys’ journey, her banishment of Jorah Mormont is significant. Dany believes Jorah is her most trusted advisor up until this episode and feels very safe around him. And though any romance is pretty much one-sided on his part, Dany does have certain thoughts about Jorah in the books. But all of that changes once she finds out that he was actually sent by the crown to spy on her.

Seeing as she’s someone half of Westeros wants dead, it can be difficult for Daenerys to trust people, and this betrayal from Jorah is too much for her to bear. Though we know he’s on her side now, how could she believe that at this point? Banishing Jorah is a heartbreaking moment for her, and while the episode itself is great, it’s a low point in her storyline.

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