7 Game of Thrones characters who deserve a spinoff more than Jon Snow

Image: HBO/Game of Thrones
Image: HBO/Game of Thrones /
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Lyanna and Rhaegar - Game of Thrones
Image: Game of Thrones /

Lyanna Stark

Everyone wants to see a Game of Thrones spinoff about Robert’s Rebellion, right? It’s the event that made Robert Baratheon the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and banished Daenerys Targaryen across the Narrow Sea. I want to see it too! But hear me out — what about if it focused on Lyanna Stark’s point of view?

Though Robert Baratheon is involved in one of the most eventful periods in Westerosi history, as a character he really isn’t all that interesting, at least not enough to deserve his own spinoff. If HBO were to develop a spinoff about Lyanna, we’d get to know the sister of Ned, Brandon, and Benjen whose life is taken away far too soon. We’d get to see her betrothal to Robert Baratheon and her secret forbidden romance with Rhaegar Targaryen. While fans would no doubt be excited to see Jaime Lannister slay Aerys II Targaryen, a.k.a. the Mad King, I personally would also love to see Lyanna and Rhaegar’s relationship play out. Lyanna is said to have been a very beautiful, kind, and intelligent woman, and it seems to me that she would make a very strong protagonist.

A TV series set during this time would also include Rhaegar’s marriage to Elia Martell, a character we’ve heard a lot about but haven’t actually seen onscreen. There’s so much to explore here. Robert’s Rebellion is no doubt an event that needs to be covered onscreen, but everything that leads up to it is just as interesting, if not moreso.

Aegon the Conqueror
Aegon I Targaryen riding his dragon Balerion | Screencap from “The Complete Guide to Westeros: The Age of Heroes” featurette on the Season 1 Blu Ray boxset. Copyright HBO. /

Aegon the Conqueror

It was reported earlier this year that HBO was considering making a Game of Thrones prequel all about Aegon the Conquerer, the first king of Westeros. If that never gets made, it’ll be doing a huge disservice to the fans. At this time, nothing has been confirmed, though it’s been said that HBO is considering a show and a movie. Not sure what to think about that, but hey, it’s something!

For so many reasons, Aegon the Conqueror should get his own Game of Thrones spinoff. The first king to sit on the Iron Throne, Aegon I Targaryen is the Aegon in Game of Thrones history, who changed the course of Westeros forever with his conquest. He’s a great ruler whose story would be absolutely epic to see in live-action. If HBO wants to teach viewers more about the world Martin has created, Aegon’s story is essential.

House of the Dragon gives us an unexpected twist in Aegon’s story, explaining that the reason he brought the Seven Kingdoms together was because of a dream he had about needing to unite against a terrifying threat that wouldn’t materialize until centuries later. A show could explore this dimension of the character, one that Martin hasn’t written about much.