Game of Thrones: Top 10 most evil villains from the books

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Tywin Lannister
Tywin Lannister /

5. Tywin Lannister

One of the main antagonist of the first three Song of Ice and Fire books is Tywin Lannister, the no-nonsense patriarch of the Lannister family. As the Warden of the West and leader of the richest and possibly most powerful house in the Seven Kingdoms, Tywin wields his power with an iron fist.

Long before the main story began, Tywin’s father Tytos tarnished the reputation of House Lannister by allowing lesser Houses Reyne and Tarbeck to take gold from the Lannisters without repayment. That went on until Tywin systematically destroyed both houses while effectively usurping his father’s role as leader of House Lannister. During the short conflict, Tywin ordered the death of hundreds of civilians, including children.

The disregard for civilian lives is a constant theme throughout Tywin’s story. During Robert’s Rebellion, Tywin waited out the war until it was clear that the Targaryen’s were going to lose. With Rhaegar dead and King Aerys a bumbling mad man, Tywin made his move by marching an army of 10,000 to King’s Landing. He feigned loyalty to House Targaryen and the gates of the city were opened to him. But instead of fortifying the city against Robert’s attack, Tywin sacked the city to remove all Targaryen loyalists and eliminate the royal family.

The fact that the people of the city were hurt or killed did not factor much into Tywin’s decision, as he thought the ends justified the means. Moreover, Tywin’s most loyal soldiers, Armory Lorch and Gregor Clegane, were responsible for the deaths of two children under the age of 6.

In the War of the Five Kings, Tywin again used scorched earth tactics when he sent Clegane to burn the Riverlands in retaliation for Catelyn taking Tyrion hostage. He also orchestrated the near extermination of House Stark in the Red Wedding.

The only thing Tywin really cares about is the position of House Lannister and how much power it holds over the rest of the realm. If gaining that power means Tywin has to kill or cause the suffering of thousands of people, it’s no skin off his back.

Finally, Tywin constantly chastises his son Tyrion for sleeping with prostitutes. In the end, it is revealed that Tywin sleeps with his son’s former proustite Shae in an act of shocking hypocrisy.