Bella Ramsey's best moments as Lyanna Mormont in Game of Thrones

Bella Ramsey won our hearts as Lyanna Mormon in Game of Thrones. We take a look at her best moments from throughout the series.
Bella Ramsey as Lyanna Mormont - Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO
Bella Ramsey as Lyanna Mormont - Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

There is absolutely no doubt that Lyanna Mormont was one of the highlights of the later seasons of Game of Thrones. It’s time to look into Bella Ramsey’s best moments as the character.

Lyanna Mormont was introduced through comments by Stannis Baratheon in Game of Thrones season 5. He shared that a 10-year-old was the lady at Bear Island, and it was clear she was a formidable one. She certainly lived up to her description when we first met her in season 6.

Sadly, as with many characters, she didn't survive the show. She died at the hands of the wight giant, although she did not go down without a fight. In fact, that moment kicks off our countdown of the best Bella Ramsey moments in Game of Thrones.

Fighting until the end in Game of Thrones

Lyanna was a formidable young woman. She took over as Lady of Bear Island at a young age, and she knew that she had a lot of prove. After all, not many men would want to follow a woman, so she had to make it clear they had to.

She fought to the end. She may have been a tween, but she was not gong to let a giant think that she feared him. It was clear there was no surviving being crushed by the wight, but at least she took the massive zombie down with her. She went out how she came in—an inspiration for many.

Refusing to give into pleasantries

Many would think that as a young woman, Lyanna would invite pleasantries and compliments. That’s especially true considering she wouldn’t have gone through anything like Sansa and Arya had gone through by the time we meet her in season 6, when Jon Snow is trying to recruit Northern houses to help him fight the Boltons. Yet she was nothing like you'd expect.

Lyanna made it clear immediately that she couldn’t be bought or bribed into a situation. She made up her own mind, and everyone just had to accept that. While men older than her tried to offer their suggestions, she made it clear that she was the final decision-maker.

“I think we’ve had enough small talk” stands out as one of her best moments. She showed who was in charge, and Stannis’ comments about her were spot on.

The meeting of cousins in Game of Thrones

In the eighth season, we got to see characters who had never met share the screen after years of waiting. We hadn’t relaized it at first, but we needed a meeting between Lyanna Mormont and Jorah Mormont, cousins of the same house. Their meeting did not disappoint.

Jorah understandably worried about the future of House Mormont and the safety of his young cousin, but she made it clear that she wouldn’t run from duty. She was a leader, and that means taking her 62 soldiers into battle when honor and duty demand it. She knew it would likely end in her death, but she was willing to take that risk.

Bella Ramsey as Lyanna Mormont
Bella Ramsey as Lyanna Mormont – Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Knowing who she could trust immediately

I have two moments from Game of Thrones in mind here. We see that Lyanna has an immediate distrust of Daenerys Targaryen when she arrives at Winterfell in season 8, but an immediate trust of Ser Davos Seaworth when they meet in season 6. Knowing what we knew at the time and what we know now, it’s clear that Lyanna could see through the masks that people showed.

It was an excellent way to get to know her character. She had clearly needed to figure out who she could trust in her own house from a young age. She had to stand up for her people, and she may have even been burned by someone disloyal in the past. This was a young woman who gained a good read on people, and who didn’t love Davos?

Leading the charge to follow Jon, King of the North

Jon Snow did not want to be King of the North, but that’s the title that was bestowed onto him. And it all started with Lyanna Mormont.

Understandably, a lot of Northern lords struggled with the idea of following Jon. For one thing, he was illegitimate. For another thing, the northmen had followed a Stark King of the North before and a lot of them had ended up dead because of it. They didn’t want to find the same thing happen again, especially when it came to a fight against the Army of the Dead.

Lyanna was the woman to help turn everything around. She saw that Jon was genuine. She also saw that he was a leader of men. She would follow him, and she convinced many others to do the same. Her ability to stand up against men old enough to be her father or grandfather made it clear that she was someone to respect and adore.

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