Doctor Who’s David Tennant Appears in Montage of Stars Reciting Star Wars Lines


David Tennant is briefly seen in MTV International’s all-star Youtube tribute to Star Wars.

Hot on the heels of the recent release of footage of Paul McGann reciting the Twelfth Doctor’s iconic speech from ‘The Zygon Inversion,’ geeks have been gifted with another meta homage, this time to Star Wars.* The Youtube video from MTV International entitled ‘Star Wars Re-Enacted In 86 Seconds: Hollywood Strikes Back‘ features appearances from a whole slew of celebrities. They include people such as Natalie Dormer, Tom Hiddleston, Jennifer Lawrence, Aziz Ansari, Guillermo del Toro, Elijah Wood, and, much to our Whovian delight, David Tennant. He only appears for roughly one second, but it is time well spent. You can view the video here:

Did you catch it? At the 54 second mark he says “That’s no moon.” As is common knowledge amongst Star Wars fans, this is a famous line in reference to the Death Star, uttered by Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope. It is unknown as to why Tennant did not say the second half of the line, “It’s a space station.” There is probably more to the footage, so perhaps he did. If you know where to view it, let us know.

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David Tennant is officially part of the official Star Wars family as the voice of Huyang in the cartoon program Star Wars: The Clone Wars. What makes the video cross-franchise meta, however, is the fact that we learned in the Series Eight Doctor Who episode, ‘Kill the Moon,’ that Earth’s moon in the Whoniverse is not, in fact, a moon, but a space phoenix dragon… thing. Not Doctor Who‘s finest moment, but canon, none the less.

*Obligatory old person rant: This video is further proof that MTV has very little to do with music. Yes, I know that it has been that way for quite a while now. That is beside the point.

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What do you think of MTV International‘s Youtube tribute to Star Wars? Do you like it when celebrities recite lines from famous franchises? Let us know in the comments.