Doctor Who: Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman Give an Update on Clara Oswald


On a Doctor Who panel at Awesome Con in Washington, D.C., Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman gave new information on Clara Oswald.

Since the departure of Clara Oswald and Me — and the Doctor’s wiped memory — in ‘Hell Bent,’ fans have wondered if the newly formed duo will ever been heard from again. Back in April, we posted an article titled ‘Clara and Me: the Doctor Who Spin-off that We Deserve.’ While such a concept is certainly intriguing, we most likely will not see it produced… especially considering the focus on the upcoming spin-off Class. If they were to have their own independent adventures told, it would probably be via novels, or Big Finish’s audio dramas.

According to two Radio Times articles by Huw Fullerton, both Jenna Coleman and Peter Capaldi revealed some interesting tidbits about Clara Oswald during a Doctor Who panel at Awesome Con in Washington, D.C. this past Monday. Coleman talked about what she thinks Clara and Me have been up to with their TARDIS diner lately, and Capaldi let slip a vague clue about something in store for the Doctor regarding her character..

Coleman imagines that Clara and Me are struggling to operate the TARDIS, considering all of the wibbly wobbly timey wimey complexities of such a machine and its manual. As for Capaldi, he said that he is uncertain of how thoroughly Clara wiped the Doctor’s memory of her. Then, after stammering for a brief moment, he admitted that he was about to reveal something that is supposed to be kept from the general public at this point.

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To this, Coleman replied “Good save, good save…. Something to look forward to.” Capaldi then implied that he recently shot something pertaining to the matter, but refused to go into it further. Considering that it has been reported that Doctor Who will not start shooting until later this month, it will probably be for Class. This would make sense considering that Clara was a teacher at Coal Hill School, which will be the featured location on the new show. From the way that they were talking, it does not seem as if Coleman was part of this shoot.

The two actors also joked that her slippers, chalkboard, and makeup were still lingering around the TARDIS.

So, it seems that, at the very least, the Doctor will recall Clara to some degree. At most, Coleman will eventually make another appearance on television as the character. The other question is, will we see Me again?

You can watch a video of parts of the panel here:

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Next: Doctor Who: Mark Gatiss to Return in Series Ten

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