Doctor Who Rumor: What did Missy mean?


Credit: BBC

Doctor Who always likes to throw curveballs, but are they on their way to throwing us a huge one?

At the end of Empress of Mars, we all saw Missy ask the Doctor a strange question.

"MISSY: “But…Doctor, tell me, are you alright?”"

That caused me, and maybe you, to pause for a moment. What did she mean are you alright? It seemed like she knew something he didn’t, or perhaps something’s going on that we don’t know about.

For me, the first thing that came to mind was when Amy was abducted by the plastic people, and how we spent multiple episodes believing it was her when it was a double. But we haven’t seen any hints that this is true, like the people in the window.


Most likely, it’s a tell that his regeneration is coming up, and soon. As we wrote awhile ago, the synopsis of episode 11 is a somber one that deals with a major death. While it looks like it could be Missy, after this week’s episode, Moffat isn’t against completely surprising us all. It could have two major deaths or the death of a person we weren’t expecting.

Synopsis of The Doctor Falls

"Friendship drives the Doctor into the rashest decision of his life. Trapped on a giant spaceship, caught in the event horizon of a black hole, he witnesses the death of someone he is pledged to protect. Is there any way he can redeem his mistake? Are events already out of control? For once, time is the Time Lord’s enemy."

This leads me to my greatest theory…

As always, when you’re dealing with Doctor Who and Moffat, your mind goes to an out of the box place. I kept saying that we never found out about how the simulation world ended. And that’s a huge plot hole for Moffat to leave, and it’s unlike him to leave them at all. What if there’s more to the simulation arc, and he has more planned?

We never found out what happened to the Doctor after he pressed send to email his past self, he could be hurt or in trouble and not even know it. Perhaps Missy knows what’s going on…she always seems to know!

We also learned this week that Nardole isn’t good at flying the TARDIS, so it’s possible he made a mistake and ended up where he shouldn’t have. If Missy was helping him, maybe she did that on purpose. Maybe the simulation earth and real earth are how we get the two Masters together. 

The Monks have been watching the simulation earth, maybe they provided Missy as a different master when on Earth it’s still John Simm. If something happens and the worlds collide, it would make perfect sense how two Masters are there at the same time without causing a time issue.

Next: Review: Empress of Mars

Am I going crazy, or does my theory make sense? You tell me! What do you think Missy meant at the end of the episode?