Every year, we get a new calendar based on George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, which is so jam-packed with incident they could keep making calendars for the next couple centuries and never illustrate the same scene twice. Each calendar is tackled by a different artist. Over the years, they’ve produced some splendid images. Check out Eric Velhagen’s take on Victarion Greyjoy from the 2018 calendar…
2018 SoI&F Calendar Artist Eric Velhagen #GRRMinion: This is Minion Raya speaking to share some… https://t.co/Qeetli0NbN #notablog #grrm pic.twitter.com/5qVRrTBiaj
— Elio & Linda (@westerosorg) March 7, 2017
…the Battle of the Blackwater from the 2017 calendar as depicted by Didier Graffet…
…or Cersei cradling a dead Joffrey in the 2016 calendar, courtesy of Magali Villeneuve:
My Illustration for Cersei Lannister and Joffrey Baratheon "Calendar A Song of Ice and Fire 2016"
— Magali Villeneuve Artworks (@Cathaoir1) February 26, 2016
(C) Random House pic.twitter.com/CJLEPAIYHu
Now, one of George R.R. Martin’s minions (their words, not mine) has revealed the cover for the 2019 calendar on Martin’s Not A Blog. Take a look:
It’s a brand new year, and we’re proud to announce next years official calendar. 2019’s calendar will feature the stunning work of John Jude Palencar, who will bring his uniquely haunting visions of the SoI&F world eleven months from now. https://t.co/WpdZ8nhWT9. pic.twitter.com/oVoKbLm3GY
— George RR Martin (@GRRMspeaking) January 23, 2018
The art for next year’s calendar, published by Random House, will be done by artist John Jude Palencar, whose work has adorned the covers of over 100 books over the years, many of them in the fantasy, science fiction, and horror genres. Above, he’s illustrated a random member of the Night’s Watch, freezing his ass off atop the Wall.
The Song of Ice and Fire calendars have been routinely terrific, so Palencar has a high bar to clear. We’ll look forward to hearing more, and to getting our hands on a copy “11 months from now,” per the Not a Blog. Although Amazon lists it as coming out on July 17.
Next: Peter Dinklage (Tyrion) reveals season 8 is “about halfway through filming”
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