Cory Thone

Cory Thone

Writer and podcaster. Arkansas born, but living elsewhere. Fan of GIFs. Pepsi is not ok, I'll have sweet tea. "Bourbon is easy to understand. Tastes like a warm summer day." - Raylan Givens

“Rattlestar Ricklactica” ends this stretch of Rick and Morty on a high note

Cory Thone

Rick and Morty: “One Flew Over the Crewcoo’s Morty” Review

Cory Thone

Rick and Morty: “The Old Man and the Seat” is one long poop joke

Cory Thone

“Rick Die Repeat” is a great return to the classic Rick and Morty format

Cory Thone

The 10 Best Rick and Morty episodes…so far

Cory Thone

Rick and Morty season 4 gets a trailer and release date!

Cory Thone

Sturgill Simpson releases new single for his Netflix anime, Sound & Fury

Cory Thone

Five Game of Thrones YouTube channels worth checking out

Cory Thone

The existential dread of finding a new show to obsess over

Cory Thone

Game of Thones: Put a Bow On It and Call It Done

Cory Thone
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO

Game of Thones: Such a Gorgeous Mess

Cory Thone
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO

Game of Thones: Kubler-Ross Edition

Cory Thone

Game of Thones: The Short End of the Long Night

Cory Thone

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO

Game of Thones: Now THAT’S What I’m Talking About!

Cory Thone

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO

Game of Thones—Why the Rush? It Didn’t Have to Be Like This!

Cory Thone

Game of Thones: What kind of ending will Game of Thrones give us?

Cory Thone