J. R. Frontera

J. R. Frontera

J. R. Frontera lives in rural Missouri with her husband, son, and a random assortment of four-legged friends. She has been nerding out over various fandoms throughout her life, and telling her own stories in some form or another since she could hold a crayon and draw. She was a late-comer to the Whoniverse, but subsequently fell hard and fast for the Doctor. You can follow her adventures through time and space, including her writerly escapades, at jrfrontera.wordpress.com or on Facebook as J. R. Frontera. She is also on Twitter as @lightning_bug_, so come say hi!

A Day with The Doctor: Meeting David Tennant at Wizard World St. Louis

J. R. Frontera

A Doctor Who Writer’s Game of Telephone…

J. R. Frontera

New Doctor Who Themed Fashion Line Now at Hot Topic!

J. R. Frontera

Doctor Who Still Needs the Paternoster Gang!

J. R. Frontera

Doctor Who: Do We Really Need An Explanation for the Twelfth Doctor’s Face?

J. R. Frontera

Doctor Who: Everything You Need For Tea Time with The Doctor!

J. R. Frontera

Doctor Who: Is David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor “Darker” than Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor?

J. R. Frontera

Doctor Who: Is The Doctor Better Off With Gallifrey Gone?

J. R. Frontera

Are the Regular People of Earth in Doctor Who Used to Aliens by Now?

J. R. Frontera

Time Eddy: A Totally Awesome Doctor Who Convention in Wichita, Kansas!

J. R. Frontera