
Carice van Houten (Melisandre) will appear at Con of Thrones

Dan Selcke

Did Game of Thrones’ Carice van Houten just post a new picture of Old Melisandre?

Liam Cunningham talks Game of Thrones season 7, fan theories and seeing Melisandre again

Game of Thrones’ Melisandre compared to the Arthurian Morgan Le Fay

Carice van Houten on Melisandre’s renewed faith

David Harris (Razor)

How old is Melisandre?

Dan Selcke

Carice van Houten talks spoilers, Michiel Huisman “can’t wait” for fans to see Season 6

Dan Selcke

30 Seconds of Footage from the Season 6 Premiere debuts at SXSW

Corey Smith

The Return of Magic and How it Plays into Jon Snow’s Possible Resurrection


Game of Thrones as Myth—Melisandre as the Dark Herald

Richard E Preston

Game of Thrones Spoilers from the North Confirm Suspicions

Ani Bundel

Carice van Houten (Melisandre) sends greetings from the Season 6 set (UPDATE: video)

Dan Selcke

Game of Thrones Theorycrafting: Who actually wrote the Pink Letter?

David Harris (Razor)

Game of Thrones’ 25 Best Hairstyles, Ranked

Ani Bundel