Ewan Mitchell talks importance of getting into shape for Aemond's nude scenes in House of the Dragon season 2

Ewan Mitchell went full-frontal in House of the Dragon season 2, and we're all still talking about it.
Ewan Mitchell as Aemond Targaryen in House of the Dragon season 2 episode 4
Ewan Mitchell as Aemond Targaryen in House of the Dragon season 2 episode 4

Among the many memorable parts of House of the Dragon season 2 so far, the nudity still stands out. This is partially because of how graphic a couple of moments have been, but also because the nudity has been from men more than women (something Game of Thrones could never!) which creates a conversation around the choices made by the writers and cast members. For Ewan Mitchell specifically, who got nude for two episodes this season, he's explained why baring it all is essential for his character Aemond Targaryen. It's obvious the actor is very dedicated to his craft, wanting to shape Aemond in a very purposeful way that shines through in each one of his scenes.

In a new episode of Esquire's Freeze Frame video series, the 27-year-old actor broke down some of his biggest moments in House of the Dragon, eventually reaching the brothel scenes. Seemingly reluctant to replay one of his nude scenes, Mitchell jokes, "No! Why did you throw this one on me?" But don't worry; any embarrassment doesn't stop him from breaking down the choices he made and why they were so important to his character.

Aemond's abs were a creative choice made by Ewan Mitchell

As Mitchell has explained in previous interviews, the decision to have Aemond be completely nude wasn't "made lightly," but he wanted to convey that even in a very embarrassing situation, Aemond can still walk out with his head held high and remain powerful. The physicality of Aemond was very important to Mitchell, who got into shape to portray the non-caring attitude his character puts on.

"I very much wanted to, like, cultivate this, especially with my body. I ate lots of chicken, I did lots of CrossFit, I did lots of boxing, and a lot of…chicken. I just very much wanted to cut the image of someone who, even without armor, is, you know, completely lethal. Just because he hasn’t got that, he still doesn’t care."
Ewan Mitchell

I totally buy that Aemond would have six-pack abs; he's so incredibly disciplined in all aspects of his life, plus Mitchell's explanation makes a lot of sense. Aemond himself is basically a suit of armor, so a chiseled body just fits. In the video above, Mitchell also talks about how much he enjoys working alongside his onscreen brother Tom Glynn-Carney, noting that he loves Aegon's laugh in the brothel scene.

Aemond might not get that much screen time in House of the Dragon, but he's certainly made an impression. Mitchell is killing it! There are only two more episodes left of the second season, so be sure to tune in every Sunday night on HBO and Max and check back with us at Winter is Coming for our continued reviews, analysis, and more.

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