Doctor Who: ‘The Return of Doctor Mysterio’ Synopsis, Air Date, and Time

While we already knew that the 2016 Christmas special, ‘The Return of Doctor Mysterio,’ would be airing traditionally on Christmas Day, we now have the time of day, as well as an official synopsis.

Naturally, we have been writing a lot lately about the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas special, ‘The Return of Doctor Mysterio.’ There was the announcement that actor Justin Chatwin would be playing a superhero character. There was a promo image of said character and a behind the scenes trailer. There was our speculation about the details surrounding Nardole’s return. There was our analysis of the preview clip that was released during this year’s BBC Children in Need special. There were the interviews with showrunner Steven Moffat and writer Mark Gatiss in which they each hyped the special. There was the interview with Moffat and Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi in which they discussed the origin of the title. There is more, but we will spare you…

In a press release from the BBC, a synopsis for the episode has at last been revealed. Along with it are a couple of character names that were previously unknown.

"This Christmas sees the Doctor join forces with a masked superhero for an epic New York adventure.With brain-swapping aliens poised to attack, the Doctor and Nardole link up with an investigative reporter and a mysterious figure known only as The Ghost. Can the Doctor save Manhattan? And what will be revealed when we see behind the mask?Cast: Peter Capaldi (The Doctor), Matt Lucas (Nardole), Justin Chatwin (Grant), Charity Wakefield (Lucy), Tomiwa Edun (Mr Brock), Aleksandar Jovanovic (Dr Sim) and Logan Huffman."

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As with many franchises in science fiction, brain swapping — or to look at it from another perspective, body swapping — has been previously utilized in the universe of Doctor Who. As a particularly famous (or infamous) example, who could forget what happened with Lady Cassandra in the Series Two episode ‘New Earth‘?

So, do these aliens a) swap brains with one another, b) swap brains with other species, or c) swap brains between the members of other species? Some or all of the above, perhaps? Whatever the case, we shall find out in less than a month.

The 2016 Doctor Who Christmas special, ‘The Return of Doctor Mysterio,’ will air on BBC One on Christmas Day at 5:45 PM, and 9/8c on BBC America. It will also be shown in participating movie theaters across the United States on Tuesday, December 27th and Thursday, December 29th at 7:00 PM.

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Next: Comedian Patton Oswalt Submits Doctor Audition Video to BBC America

What are your thoughts on this synopsis of ‘The Return of Doctor Mysterio’? Let us know in the comments below.