Samwell Tarly

John Bradley as Samwell Tarly – Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Playing Sam in a Jon Snow sequel would feel like "a step backwards" for John Bradley

Dan Selcke

John Bradley open to play Sam again in HBO’s Jon Snow series

John Bradley would love to “revisit” Sam Tarly in a Game of Thrones reboot

Playing Sam Tarly on Game of Thrones gave John Bradley a stammer

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO

Yes, the final season of Game of Thrones was a chaotic mess, and it was glorious

Brian E Frydenborg

A Song of Dan and Josh: Jon III (A Clash of Kings)

Dan Selcke

John Bradley talks about Sam’s new role as Grand Maester

Dan Selcke

A Tormund and Brienne scene was cut from Game of Thrones

David Harris (Razor)

John Bradley (Sam) may or may not know how Game of Thrones ends…maybe

Dan Selcke

John Bradley discusses Sam’s role in the Battle of Winterfell

Amanda Mullen

What is with the odd costumes the Game of Thrones stars are wearing in the behind-the-scenes videos?

Dan Selcke

John Bradley: Sam thinks Daenerys is “volatile,” “dangerous,” “psychopathic”

Dan Selcke

A much-needed Game of Thrones refresher ahead of season 8

Ariba Bhuvad

Entertainment Weekly reveals 16 Game of Thrones covers for its March issue

David Harris (Razor)
Jon Snow season 1. HBO

A Song of Dan and Josh: Jon I (A Clash of Kings)

Dan Selcke

John Bradley (Sam Tarly) coming to Con of Thrones 2019!

Dan Selcke

Three things you might have missed in those new Game of Thrones pics

Corey Smith

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO

Official images from Game of Thrones season 8!

Dan Selcke

Maisie Williams promises epic Arya scenes in season 8

Dan Selcke

Hannah Murray: Game of Thrones doesn’t have “a fairytale happy ending”

Corey Smith

Game of Thrones Theory Corner: Samwell Tarly is the Prince That Was Promised

Corey Smith

John Bradley sees “a lot of similarities” between himself and Samwell Tarly

Dan Selcke

John Bradley: Every character is placed “in a completely alien environment” in season 8

Dan Selcke

John Bradley hints that Sam and Bran will keep working together in season 8

Corey Smith

John Bradley (Sam): Every episode of season 8 will be “monumental”

Dan Selcke

John Bradley (Sam) discusses the downsides of working on Game of Thrones

Corey Smith

Tom Hopper (Dickon Tarly) talks Game of Thrones endings

Corey Smith

John Bradley (Sam) on White Walkers and Jon Snow’s true heritage

Corey Smith